It was going to be a rough day...she knew that the night before as she crawled onto her soft floral sheets and into bed. She knew every social media outlet was going to be riddled with Happy Mother's Day gushes and rightly so. Who was she to feel disgruntled by every single mother being loved on and loving their babies. But she did. Her heart was sad nay broken and the simple thought of the sun rising into that Sunday morning sent inescapable despair through her veins.

Morning came as it has been doing so for the last thirty three years. Although this was one felt different. Numb as usual, she awoke and regain her routine. Morning, coffee, devotion and quiet time. Next she walked the wolf around the block and quietly sobbed behind her sunglasses. She made the call and heard those three little voices. They read her cards they had made at school and wished her a Happy Mother's Day. Biting her lip while fighting back tears she accepted their warm thoughts and endearing I love you's. With her heart wrenching, she could feel the presence of God declaring today was not going to be one of those days. Those days spent locked in her room weeping without relent asking all those whys was not going to make it's appearance today.

While outside tending to her flowers in the gardens and changing the sprinkler, the loving man who tends to her broken heart stood over the stove with much attention and attempt, prepared for them each a beautiful spring breakfast. Gratitude for his devotion and proper care nurturing her, she sat in the dining room with him by her side.
All the while though the sun was shining through perfectly painted white fluffy clouds against a light blue backdrop, she sat back in the chair overwhelmed by thoughts of "this is going to be a rough day." Ping came from the next room. Opening the text message her eyes widened. Your brother will be here this afternoon with his family, it read.
For the next passing hours until evening, God had refused this day to be spent in pain and everlasting sadness. Instead the afternoon was spent in laughter, gushing over the baby nephew, lost time spent with the brother and getting to know a new family member. She took a dozen pictures, reminisced over their childhood and laughed until her stomach hurt.
That Sunday which had always been so very special had indeed been ripped away of it's joy and love. The ones from the mountain state who hide behind their facade built upon lies and deception have very much shredded her beating heart. But God refused to let them prevail this Sunday. This Sunday was in fact her day of rest.
Thanks for reading with me~